RUANG KHUSUS IKLAN (content di luar tanggung jawab bukulaela)

Recycling your cellphone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jikalau di Indonesia, hp lawas masih dikoleksi, diperjualbelikan, bahkan dielus-elus sayang oleh pemiliknya. Kalau rusak, masih banyak tukang servis yang bisa mereparasi. Kalau di luar negeri gimana? Kalau sudah bosan dengan hp-nya, seseorang bisa memberikan ke orang laen, ato didaur ulang. Daur ulangnya dengan cara dibongkar, lalu diambil unsur2 yang masih bisa kepake, seperti unsur emas, tembaga, dan plastik. ini nih, beritanya. Continuing EPA (The Environmental Protection Agency) champaign for recycling phone, the world must aware about this matter, especially in Indonesia. But here the problem is somewhat unique, because old cellular phone still have their fans, and some people still can repair that phone with their custom component. But, now or later, here will come an condition when Indonesia overflowd with cellphone trash, and on that time we'll need a more incessant effort to recycle.